Just the Withers......

By JaneW


by Lucy.
Peppermint creams.
We phoned a local 'taste tester' who hot footed it (in her car) up to our home and proceeded to shovel in a dozen of these into her perma tanned chops,yes,the Good housekeeping institute sent DDLC to test the wares.I think she may have had a fake ID saying she was Good Housekeeping trained.I don't think professional people snaffle and snort and groan like that when they are sent on a job,well... unless they are professional prostitutes.
So anyway Lucy won't be going back to school until Monday,I could tell she was unwell as she stopped eating her food and this is unheard of !

I am blipping early as tonight is the beginning of 'Fitness January' ... Myself,Wiggy and Tit's are power walking around the town at 7pm...... and we are going to do this almost every night in an effort to look like super models........ without the height.

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