
By LadyPride


Tricky day. My poor little angel has been out of sorts again. Starting to think it can't just be missed naps. Something else is up.

Gemma had her for a few hours and noticed too so it was nice to know I wasn't going mad. Typical that when my parents popped over for a cuppa though she was angelic for half an hour. Obviously.

She is just very unsettled particularly around nap times. And she cries if I leave the room even for a few seconds today (which I find ever so slightly adorable).

And tonight at bath time she tried to eat the side of the sink as I ran the taps. I mean she really chewed down on that cool porcelain. Mmmm now if I was an expert - which I am not - (glances down and reads badge, 'First Time Mum'), I would surmise that this.....could finally be teething....we shall see!

Have been a bit crabby myself today too. Feel tired from a week of waking at nights and looking after Audrey alone. Am really unmotivated to work (even when I have people looking after Audrey for me) and just feeling generally blah!! But it is January and who doesn't? I call January 'Hamster Wheel Month'. You just feel as though you are going round and round with nothing to look forward to.

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