As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

High Talker

When I woke up and looked out my window, I knew that I had to take a picture of the lake. So I quickly got dressed and ran across the street with my camera to snap a pic. First period was a little rough, but I gave a good presentation in Italian. During lunch I made my tentative senior schedule. Wow. In math I was moved to the back of the room. Still unsure of how I feel about that. After school I went to Rube, then practice. I ran three mile repeats by myself (5:19, 5:29, and 5:25) and then went home and showered. Tutored for two hours and then Rube for a little before going home. Kate and I got froyo and caught up and I just love her so much. We picked up Elaina before I had to go home and it was nice seeing her but I need more timeeeeee.

Seinfeld and icing my leg.

Word of the Day: Pseudoclassic - Falsely or spuriously classic

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