As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


I had a pretty crappy morning.

My group gave a presentation in English on a poem we read a month ago and our teacher chastised us in front of the entire class, announced that our grade would be terrible, and proclaimed his disappointment. Then, in Italian, I had to give in a packet that I didn't do yesterday, so I went into the hallway to "get it from my locker" when Aly just happened to be walking by. She did the same packet yesterday and gave me the answers, and I am eternally grateful. My day started looking up when Brandon brought me tacos from Taco Bell. Then a rousing game of Q-tip hockey in gym helped me move on with my day. I'm happy with my APUSH grade, and math was fun. Pit rehearsal was a success, and we got let out early so I went to Rube. We got quite a bit done, but there is still much to work on. I ran a fartlek by myself after that, and it ended up being just under six miles. I ended my run at home, took a shower, and then went to SAT class. I ate my dinner there and I wasn't exactly in the SAT mood, but it flew by. I tutored John from 9:30-10:30 (I know, that's a weird time to be tutoring) and I finally got home around 10:40.

And now, I can't sleep.

Word of the Day: Pseudomorph - An irregular or unclassifiable form

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