
Mecula Mountain in the distance of this image is one of the most significant natural features of Niassa Reserve. At its base is Mecula town, chief settlement (overselling it) of the district of the same name. A Mozambican bank (BCI) has this year opened a branch in Mecula, to much fanfare by the Reserve Administrator, and to much increased efficiency by our project as we can now deposit salaries directly into bank accounts instead of handling thousands of dollars extra in cash each month.

Mecula District (the next jurisdiction after province) falls entirely within Niassa Reserve, and the Reserve is so vast that it includes parts of three other districts. There can’t be many places in the world where such phrases can be stated. It’s lucky I’m currently not able to access Wikipedia or a sleepless night down a rabbit hole would beckon.

This field looks like it underwent a ‘cold’ (deliberate, controlled) burn at the start of the dry season. Close to settlements this type of burning regime is particularly critical to prevent fires occurring naturally during the hottest part of the year, as farms and homesteads here would stand little chance against the flames.

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