Crash landing

In what is probably good news for my sanity, I can track current affairs less well from remote northern Mozambique, as I am less online.

Today was the planned Brexshit crashing out date and now I see that a general election has been announced in the UK. If I was in the city I’d be frantically scrabbling around to check whether my postal proxy vote remains valid, whereas here I’m able to merely glance at the latest shenanigans in Westminster and carry on with the important business of conserving natural resources.

[dad: please check my status with the electoral office urgently]

A day of budgets and frustrations of a project management nature. Each time I make an ambitious attempt to bold a cell of text in Excel, my laptop crashes and whirrs for thirty minutes. It seems a little disproportionate.

This photo was actually taken by my colleague Michelle, who legged it to the airstrip to capture Wim and the plane as he landed. Safely. Not wishing to cause undue alarm with the post title.

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