Poorly Baby

Daughter Number 2 is staying for a few days while she has no kitchen. She has no interest in trying to cook while she doesn't have a sink or useful work surface. She's not one for microwave meals or take away. She likes healthy gym food.

So I made her a nice dinner of salmon steak, couscous and salad. I few hours later she was feeling quite sick. Bella must have sensed she wasn't feeling well and snuggled up with her while they watched David Attenborough.

Poor Soph was then violently sick. 3 times. Then that was it. We have no idea why. She says I poisoned her but we had the same dinner. I have a feeling it was the garlic marinade on the Salmon which was from Iceland. Sophie is sometimes intolerant to onions but ate garlic bread the night before so thought these would be ok. I don't normally shop from there but I was on a jelly bean hunt. I felt so sorry for her. Nothing worse than being sick, especially when it's not your own toilet!!!!

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