My Best Efforts - Year 3


Snowdrops............... the woods belonging to a nearby large estate not far away. Was looking at some pictures I took of the same woods tw0 0r three years ago and the snowdrops seem to be about 2/3 weeks earlier this year. They are a beautiful sight and to the left of the picture (not visible) there are a lot of gravestones in memory of all the gundogs the residents of the big house have owned over many years, which is quite moving. The whole tiny village belongs to the Estate with it's own church and some really pretty cottages which are occupied by the estate workers. The gardens of these cottages are delightful and I may take some pictures of these gardens come Summer.

Weather is bright - if there was a frost, I missed it - does feel a little warmer than yesterday.

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The Weekend is upon us - so have a good one and keep warm.

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