My Best Efforts - Year 3


My Helleborus niger......

...........fully opened it's first flower this morning. Have been keeping my eye on it for a little while and it has now rewarded me.
These Hellebores are known to be a bit promiscuous and this one WAS pure white but I think it has been over friendly with a darker one!! However, I feel the result of this liaison is even more beautiful with the purple markings and the slightly more yellow stamens. Another younger one is in bud as well and it will be interesting to see what that is like when it opens up! I left the leaves showing because they are such a deep, glossy green - I cropped closer to start with but preferred it as it was - so it is literally as it came out the camera.

Weather started out very bright but, as it seems to be the case lately, it has clouded in although there is a bit of sun. Cold but not freezing!

As usual, click "L" on your keyboard to enlarge.

Have a pleasant weekend and keep warm

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