North Moors

A really windy day, and plenty of showers along with it.  A drier evening, but still windy.

I've been working in the museum again today, and a busier day, but still fairly quiet.  A quiet evening at home.  I headed out walkies with Sammy, and we saw no fireworks, too windy.  This means a long wait, and not knowing when they will go off, poor Sammy. 

Moving on to my 2x great granny Margaret Smith, youngest of 6 bairns to Margaret and John.  The oldest 2 siblings were born in a neighbouring croft, Sotrigarth, the other 4 born here, and Margaret born in 1857.  By 1861, the family moved next to to the Moors.  Aged 22, in 1880, she married my 2x great granddad Laurence Thomson (Schoolhouse), in Cunningsburgh.  They lived in Aithsetter, having 11 bairns born in their home, from 1880 - 1901, 2 of which died as infants.  My great granddad, Peter Jeremiah Thomson was second oldest, born in 1883.  Margaret passed away in Feb 1930, when my granny Lorna was 4 years old.  Granny had vague memories of her, but happy memories.  This house was empty for years, but is currently a home again.  Taken at North Moors, Sandwick.  Note the ruins from yesterday, Veester on far centre right. 

Today's additional photo is an old family photo, taken in 1892.  L-R - Agnes Halcrow holding Robert Thomson, James Thomson, John Thomson, Laurence Thomson, my great granddad Peter Thomson, 2x great granny Margaret nee Smith, holding Margaret Thomson.  The day this photo was taken, they all set off to Lerwick to get the photo taken in a studio with horse and cart.  When they got to Gulberwick, the horse was tired, and gave up, so they had to walk the rest of the way.  After the photo shoot, they returned back to the horse, it was fully rested and took them home again.  

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