Off day

Slept unbelievably badly last night and so felt utterly washed out today. Took another day off. Just been do low the last couple of days.

Ventured out in the end to the shops to get some things for dinner, had a look at a new gun that was local - and they had the exact model. And then retired for the evening.

Jimbob seems to be coming along nicely. Less telling off today than usual which is nice. Still high energy but not so bouncy or destructive with it. House is surviving. But he's so cute at times it's unreal, like putting him to bed this evening was like putting a small tired child to bed - they want to stay up, they promise to be quiet, but they are half asleep.

As per normal, the only way to get him to his bedroom is to pick him up and carry the 55lb pit bull to his bed and bedroom.

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