Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

And it has arrived... the first snow. I don't think it'll last for long, though. Usually doesn't.
I've been organising my journaling and scrapbooking material and used two empty shoe boxes to get some more storing. I've got my stamps and stamp pads in one box, smaller papers and ephemera in one, decoration materials in one and so on. 
Today I finally finished two chores that's been hanging over me for some time. I packed away everything on the patio. I watered my still alive lavender plants for the last time and covered it with bubble plastic. It's rather sheltered in the greenhouse, but just to be safe. I also planted my tulip bulbs and covered them with bubble plastic too. The ideal would be leaves. I might find some that I can cover them with. The bulbs have already woken, so I hope they'll go to sleep now when it's cold.
Then I've done the usual chores and finally I can take it easy for a while. :)

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