
By Snowyjones

Fabulous fish

Today started with waking up far too early, lying in bed wondering what the funny noise coming from the air con unit was. The mystery was solved when a huge cockroach was spat out onto my floor. I’m really quite terrified of cockroaches so didn’t dare move as I considered my options. Discounting the more ridiculous, cowardly ones I got my drawing pad out because it’s the only thing I have that could perform a sweeping action and went to confront the situation. Opened the door with a vague hope it might just toddle off but no, I was forced to perform the sweep. Needless to say it backfired and it toddled off into my bathroom. This seemed like a reasonable outcome to me as I quickly shut the door and stuffed a towel along the gap. Phew, emergency over, until I needed the loo obviously. I didn’t have to wait long, guts being as they are here, and so I ventured forth once more with my drawing pad. Can only assume it toddled off out the rudimentary drain (a hole in the joining of the floor and wall) as I couldn’t see hide nor hair of it. Performed a little celebratory dance and it was off for a day of snorkelling.
We visited three islands, saw lots of amazing fish, squids, snakes, cucumber things, starfish and anemones. Unfortunately all the coral seems to be dead which inevitably makes you reflect on whether or not you should be out there in a speedboat.
Spent the evening with the couple from Bristol who I met in my first week in Vietnam. They just arrived here today so was good to catch up on their adventures. Declined the invite to a full moon party because I am being picked up at 7am tomorrow for my first diving lesson, best not to tired and hungover me thinks.

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