Strike that. Reverse it!



This is the view from my back garden. Its been such a lovely day here with not a cloud in sight. I did photograph the gorgeous blue sky but then I spotted this! That HUGE nasty cloud on the left is coming from Ferrybridge Power Station Chimneys. We have lived here for nearly 6 years now and I have never spotted all the smoke before. I know its there as I've cleaned it from the aerial photography for work but never knew it covered such distance. Think we are approximately 7 miles from the power station!

Not a great blip but a blip is a blip and I've been too busy having a lovely day with the boys.

It was Tommys turn to pick what we went to see at the cinema and he chose Tinkerbell. Mikey my eldest boy surprised me, although he moaned constantly about seeing a girls film, it really isnt cool when your 7 and 1/2! Mikey has watched lots of "scarier" films Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, spiderman etc are all his favourite. You would never believe it if you'd seen him hiding under his coat through Tinkerbell. It seems that Tinkerbell breaking the rules is far too scary and worrysome for him!!!!!

All in all a great day so far. Tea with the boys then a film time for Mr F and I. Hope you are all having a very lovely saturday too? x

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