The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A Knight in a Shining Shell Suit ...

Well - maybe not a shell suit ..

Our central heating stopped working last Sunday.

I rang British Gas who came to look at it and said it was a manufacturing fault and Glow Worm would come to fix it.

Glow Worm chap came on Wednesday, half an hour late, looked vague, said he didn't have the right part .. and went away.

He came back on Friday .. drained the system, replaced the faulty bits, told me there were too many radiators for him to bleed, so handed me a radiator key and buggered off, saying if it wasn't working by Monday, call British Gas.

This morning, on finding my poor mum lying on her bed covers, dressed but shivering I felt British Gas was needed sooner rather than later .. rang them .. they said they'd send someone tomorrow.

Went back upstairs .. shivered .. rang them back and made a fuss .. and 2 hours later ^^^ that chap arrived.

He was horrified at the state we'd been left in. There was no water at all in the header tank, and consequently none in any of the radiators.

He took 3 or 4 hours to get it all fixed - but now we have heat - hoorah!

This is a long and boring post - and a very dull photo.

Quite representative of the last couple of days to be honest. ;-)

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