Life In Wales

By KarenC

Beyond the tree....

We woke up to a beautiful sunny morning today, but unfortunately it was a working Saturday for me. So I decided to get up early and go to the Butte du Lion to blip the blip that I wanted to post the other day when it was 'Fifty Shades of Grey'.

It was wonderful - there was no-one else around, there were Birds of Prey hovering, and there was frost on the ground. I just wish I'd had more time to spend there, but I was due to start work at 11am so was concious of the time.

Anyway I took a few shots of the tree with the Butte in the distance and then I noticed someone walking a Dalmation dog. I took a couple of photos of them which are very atmospheric, but decided I'd wait until I got home from work to make my choice.

Then this afternoon it started to snow. I'd arranged with Alan that he'd walk to meet me after work and we'd go for a drink, so we went to Bar de L'Amusoir where they had a log fire burning. By the time we left, the snow was coming down quite heavy and everywhere was white, so out came the camera again.

I got some lovely photos of the centre of Waterloo, and a statue with the snow falling amongst other shots. Then came the task of choosing the blip - there were so many that I liked, but with Alan's help I came full circle and ended up back to my original blip from this morning of the Tree and the Butte.

This has to be my latest blip of the day, but after a day at work, we've had a lovely evening - hope you have too!

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