
By Snowyjones

Monkey/Jellyfish Beach

Morning organisation of water, wrapped up curry for lunch, egg curry for breakfast, repellent, sun cream, sun hat, bus timetables and off I went to explore Penang national park. Various routes to various destinations were possible and I decided to take the walk to monkey beach on the basis that you were allowed to swim there and would probably get to see some monkeys (bag stealing monkeys at that). Arrived at the beach after a pleasant trail through some jungle and, needless to say, was rather hot and sweaty so went into the sea for a cooling dip. While I was floating around I was wondering why you weren’t allowed to swim at the other beaches and suddenly remembered reading something about jellyfish. At that very moment....yep you guessed. Shoulder ablaze I turned round to see a big white jellyfish, panicked a bit, carefully made my way out the water, ran up the beach to the first person I saw. He assured me it was ok and covered me in sand? The next person told me to wash it off and to put Coca-Cola on it at which point I thought I might just jump on the boat that someone had handily whistled to to make a stop. Arrived back at the entrance and went to the nearest cold drinks stall to buy the recommended medicine, at which point the lady there took charge of the situation with her handy bottle of vinegar (obviously I was not the first person this had happened to). Ouch is all I can say to that.
Lazy afternoon for me followed by a visit to Little India this evening for my third curry of the day. Ridiculously cheap to eat here, plate of rice with all kinds of curries and a mango lassie for less than £2, perhaps it would be wise not to stay for too long.

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