We stayed in the Sheraton last night

And here it is. Our new tent, the Sheraton. It was pretty palatial too. Two big rooms, big enough for 2 double airbeds in each, and a sun porch.

Slept fairly well in it, even with the giddy girls. They did quieten down, although the 2 guests both claimed they didn't sleep a wink. They were very still and quiet for non sleepers though, I must say.

Started the day with pancakes for breakfast and got rid of one guest fairly early on, as she had other commitments. The other guest was picked up about 11.30am. We sprayed the house for flies, with a long working thing-a-magig, and headed out to the movies, as we had to be out for 2 hours, and it was heading towards low tide.

We went and saw 'Rise of the Guardians' which was an easy watch. Afterwards, we went to Formosa for a swim in the pool and stayed there til close.

Girls are off to my Mum and Dad's for the next 2 days, as I'm working. Have managed to change my working days to Mondays/Tuesdays which makes a hell of a lot more sense. These are my last working days in January, as I'm taking some leave to spend the last 2 and a half weeks of the summer holidays with my lovely girls. Really looking forward to it. The Husband is taking off the last week and a half they are off. Yay!

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