What a treat!

Imagine my delight when I stepped out of my front door this morning in my running gear to be faced with SNOW! No I'm not being sarcastic - I was so happy! What a treat! I love running in the snow :)

2 hours later, I'm peeling off my running tights and I can barely feel my legs. But you know what, it's worth it! Boy do I feel alive!

I'm now in my joggers, drinking a protein shake and Wesley is warming me up with snuggles. Once I warm up a bit, I'll get in the bath.

What's on for the rest of the day you ask? Well I plan to watch Star Wars and eat my body weight in maltesers! My GPS tells me I burned 2071 calories in my run so I figure I deserve them!

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday x

Exercise: 12 mile run
January running mileage: 51 miles

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