Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The house in the woods

Black Friday* today .... I did not buy anything on a super duper deal but I did do some more online shopping for a few Christmas presents and managed to get some good discounts off some of the items. 

* Actually I have just realised it is not Black Friday today but next Friday, but the offers have all started today - it seems to now be Black Friday week!

In our local woods there is a house which has always made me wonder what it must be like to live right in the woods. I thought it was looking pretty today surrounded by all the autumn colours. 

And now it is the weekend again - the weeks seem to be rushing by and before we know it it will be the end of the year. But first some important things are happening, like the general election. Those politicians are rather like Father Christmas, promising everything, lets hope they can deliver. Some of the promises make me laugh, like free full fibre broadband - surely no one will fall for that one? 

Tonight - a glass of prosecco and The Crown sounds like a good plan!

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