
By Beewriter

Will it? Won't it?

The clouds are straining. The sky is grey. The cold air penetrates right through to your bones. So, will it snow tonight or not?

It was like our own private pool again this morning, just how I like it. The bullfighter was up in the studio again, wafting his cape in front of the mirror, I could see him from the comfort of the jacuzzi. We saw the Liverpool team going for a constitutional after their breakfast. Why do all the football teams do that? They have breakfast then walk about 200 yards round the hotel then go back in ready to board their bus to the match. They all seem to do this, it is bizarre.

Pat and I went for a little walk at Pennington Flash in the afternoon. It was freezing cold so we went to Bents and warmed up with a cup of tea and a scone afterwards.

Now I'm chilling and watching Fiddler on the Roof.....well watching and singing along. A lovely Sunday.

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