Capital adventures

By marchmont


A slow, dreich day with snow, that didn't lie. The ground is too warm.
Took me ages to get going and even when I did it was very slow progress. I'm trying to pack loose stuff and tidy but the jobs seem to grow, not diminish.
A trip to the dump with a dead vacuum cleaner, redundant tv etc was avoided when my kind neighbours took my stuff as they were also headed that way.
That meant I didn't go to the house. Later I wish I had when a problem with the alarm meant many phone calls. Luckily another friend came to my aid. Thank goodness for friends and neighbours.
So after an afternoon of trying to sort out many shoes and bags and pack up small stuff I am at the Manor, exhausted.
From my kitchen window I can see a huge bush with yellow flowers. I can't remember the name, Mahonia? This is a photo of the same flower, different bush, at the Manor. Brightens up a dreich day.

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