Capital adventures

By marchmont

Holy Jesus


Woke very early and ordered ribbon and sic like things. Amazing what you can fritter your time away on.

Then I sorted keys and stupidly answered the phone to T. I knew this was a mistake but there I was talking about alarms and sparkies and rushing to catch the bus.

The bus was caught but I arrived in Princes St sans purse - so turn around and back home, collect purse and then back to the station.

My second call this morning was to the alarm company and it was totally bizarre. Yes, I was slightly stressed and trying to get through the call before the train got going and I lost signal but the way I was treated as a potential customer was appalling. The woman 'the company secretary', didn't listen to me, talked over me, wouldn't let me explain the situation, hung up on me, accused me of being rude, ranted at me, told me she didn't want customers like me and that I should take my business elsewhere. Well, company secretary L, that is exactly what I am going to do as the fee paying customer is queen. A look on Thomson Local tonight turned up reviews from others who had experienced rudeness and harassment from this company. Sounds like a lucky escape. Do I need an intruder alarm anyway?

So south and by Berwick it was snowing and by Newcastle the ground was white and I had no hat and slippy soled shoes. But I made,it to City House, via Holy Jesus Hospital, for my brief meeting with the boss.

By the time I left mid afternoon the snow had gone but it was very cold.
Back in Edinburgh I finally managed to persuade Santander to close my account - a whole £2 and 4p interest.

I am becoming a grumpier and grumpier old woman.

Now off to do the ironing. At least that won't shout at me.

P.S. Watching the news - even with my bad start to the week REALLY glad I didn't have to sit in a queue at the foot of the Tyrebagger. These days are definitely long gone.

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