From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

No bread for this bird

This morning, I watched World Without End recorded from Channel 4 last night. I dozed off during it last night. Flaming commercial breaks!! Every 15 minutes they came on during a two hour show. How are you supposed to enjoy anything when the adverts come on so frequently?

It was lovely to watch the whole thing, doing a fast forward through the adverts this morning. Wonderful programme! I know the books are better but it was great to see it on the screen.

Off to Stratford in the afternoon again and I was delighted to get a picture of The Falcon Hotel using my proper camera instead of phone without standing on anyone's toe. It's so much quieter on a Sunday than a Saturday.

Today was a proper practice day for me. I even took loads of pictures in the Garrick but remembered to turn both flash and sound off this time!

Anyway, the Falcon is the chosen one.

Track? A classic from The Eagles - Hotel California

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