Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Snow Patrol.

No 3 ran about the house first thing this morning shouting "It's snowing....It's snowing" at the top of her voice. All I could think from under my new 15 tog winter weight duvet (apart from - 'go away noisy child!') was - thank goodness we got the garage finally opened yesterday!

All the snow gear is in there.

Bit disappointing that the light dusting didn't last - although No 3 spent most of the day surrounded with salopettes and wishful thinking. But even she gave up and put on normal clothes for an afternoon party.

Party done (and her party booked for a few weeks time) - back home - and I sneaked 40 winks on the couch - first time I had sat down all day!

Friend delivered a MOUNTAIN of books for No 3 (but No 2 pinched a load of Michael Morpurgo and Wimpy Kid books for her bedroom stash) - we spent the evening playing 'libraries'.

Sunday ironing mountain climbed and conquered !

Here's No 1 hard at work in her bedroom - redrafting an essay. She asked for these stick-on lyrics for her wall. I'm not sure they were appropriate for a soon-to-be-16-year-old's wall - but I love the song !

Keep cosey blippers !

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