jeni and the beans

By themessymama


After last week's utter weariness, this weekend has been a bit of a tonic to the soul. Yesterday's happy painting, and now today - today we made it to church, to mum's church, to the 9.30am service!! Quite an achievement in itself. And the Bean settled into his group and made friends (his teacher said afterwards what a happy and confident boy he is!), and the Bear and I went to his creche group so he could play as well and they both had a lovely time by all accounts. The two groups came into the main service briefly, the Bean's group sang a song and Bean was the only one doing the actions up on stage, while I chased the Bear who was determined to get up into the choir stalls :D Ahhhhh I was a happy proud mama!

And I bumped into a friend who I've not seen in FIFTEEN YEARS since I left the grammar school who recognised me and we chatted happily and she filled me in on the gossip from mutual friends :D Amazing, on many counts! Mum's church is very much a living church. It's fab. And it makes me smile that Kate and another girl from school have come to this church with their little ones via the Alpha course :)

Lunch was another Bean success, he was persuaded to try cooked ham, edam cheese, some polish sliced pork sausage, and he had a small helping of the remains of last night's fish pie too. Followed by cereal of course! But I am SO happy that he is trying things again at last.

Spent the afternoon wandering round the shops with mum while the Bear slept in the wrap and the Bean watched a DVD, got home to find Bean had taken himself off to bed very sadly because I wasn't there when the film finished :( but he cheered up quickly. We played pirates and made lego swords while dinner cooked, we skyped Daddy, we danced to Captain Gutt's pirate shanty, and we had the best roast beef dinner I've had in AGES. And the best yorkshire puddings I've EVER had!

Even the Bean enjoyed it! He didn't want meat, or greens (I couldn't even bribe him to try the greens), and the carrots were a little undercooked for his liking (and not cooked in butter haha) but he had mashed potato and gravy and a yorkshire pudding. And more potato. And didn't want cereal - he'd had enough potato! Hurrah! The Bear was happy to munch away on bits and pieces, but when pudding came out he announced "DAT!" and dat was dat, really. Chocolate mousse to share between him and the Bean, and then icecream from my bowl too. Lots of it. And chocolate buttons as Bean had eaten most of the mousse.

Early bed for them for a change. The whole day has been at least two hours earlier than the whole of the previous week.

And I have managed to get the Bear's photobook finished and ordered finally - hurrah!!

And to top off a fab day, it's only gone and started snowing.


Excited, much??!!!!

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