Wintry Arran

There has been a raw easterly wind today that was not conducive with outdoor blipping. I did try standing in the back garden to get a shot of the birds on their way to the feeders, but it was Baltic and my eyes were streaming with the cold wind.

However, on the way back to the house in the afternoon I drove down to the end of the rough track next to our house, where you get a view of the beach. It was the snow capped mountains on Arran against the blue sky and sea that caught my eye. I did at least get out the car for the shot, although I was soon back in after rattling off a few quick shots.

I cropped this view to a panorama to highlight the mountains, which look like someone has sprinkled icing sugar over them!

Out tonight for a talk in the village hall on "Old Carradale", which should be good.

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