
An excellent swim this morning. A dive competition, with warnings about a busy carpark, meant an empty car park and an almost empty pool. I did 50 minutes. Then to the flat to meet A, the plumber. Turned out #3 son was at home. Half communication never works with him. Couldn't solve the problem but a call to C in Inverurie gave us some clues. Then to the Manor to drop off a plinth and say 'hi' to mum.

Home to marzipan a cake (almost a disaster, put icing on first!), wrap a present, put past the Tesco delivery and then off in the rain to Glasgow. It was very heavy. Didn't realise K would be there. The 'boys' were in Edinburgh at the match, so they weren't happy when they got back. It was after 8 before we got food, but there was fizz and quite a lot of bread. The kids were also there and R, who'd fallen and bitten her lip earlier, refused to go to bed, so not a relaxing evening.

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