Views of my world

By rosamund


Noah was making the most of the clear sky and an episode with Brian Cox to take another look at Jupiter. I thought the chair was for him, turns out it was for his iPad! Poor wee lamb, he over tightened a knob on the tripod and overdid it, he was all worried but if super glue doesn't fix it then I've assured him they're readily available on Amazon.

My meeting today was the first local project team meeting in a series if events in a national piece of work called the Early Years Collaborative - services working together to put a team around the family focussing on prevention and early intervention work.

Today was quite high level and strategic looking at what it means for us in our authority but it was all kicked off with some insights from Sir Harry Burns CMO which was as inspiring as always. Next week sees 2 days at the SECC with teams from all 32 authorities looking at improvement for change.

Already I'm looking forward to the part when what we put in place begins to have an impact on our children and families. Exciting (and challenging) times.

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