Tree is up.

Had a really busy day. The weighbridge came to the yard first thing. My boys have all put on quite a bit of weight. Buddy +38kg, Lime +31kg, Jack +20kg. So I need to cut down their feeds and hay. I started with breakfast. They were not happy!! We normally only have the weighbridge every six months so it's been a good idea to have it every 3 months.

Eva came down and had a really good hack out on Jack. All off the lead rein. I had a lesson with Ruth this arvo on Buddy. Working on canter and understanding Buddy's balance issues and working with what he can offer instead of what might be perceived as correct, but mostly what goes on inside my head and how much that affects how I ride.

I had a clients dog to walk straight after and cat visits to do before heading home for Christmas tree decorating.

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