Double Shot Mummy


Maple's buggy takes a walk on the wild side

DIFFICULT photo choice today. There was a gorgeous one of Maple in an exersaucer we borrowed but I chose this one as Oscar hasn't been in my blip for awhile! I know for a fact that one of the most difficult issues amongst parents with more than one child is equal division of attention. I certainly feel it. Especially when one child's personality type naturally craves more attention than the other's. I also find it hard with Maple as she is much smaller and extremely dependent on me.

We were down at the park for this shot. We were walking around the track, on our way to the slide. This cat walked up to Oscar and Bailee, rubbed against them each and turn. Despite what seemed like harassment on the twin's part, they became instant friends! The cat followed us around for ages and Oscar and Bailee thought it was the best thing ever!

I've started a new fitness regime. The regime involves walking around our running track when I can find the time. This morning was great as a friend and her baby from nearby apartments met up with Maple and I for the walk. It feels so good to exercise (Although very light!) I must try to stick with it and make the time.

I am so frustrated and annoyed. There are 20 apartment buildings along the shoreline. There was a notice about leaving personal belongings in shared areas. I assumed this meant the lobby and parking areas and not outside our front door. I noticed our buggy was missing this morning. Upon investigation, the building management have taken the buggy and I don't know where it is. I was given a number to ring then passed on from one person to the next. In the end a lady told me they had taken it as we were not to leave things outside our door. I think this is outrageous. It is my baby's buggy. They could have at least had the courtesy to knock on my door and say they were taking it. The lady on the end of my phone demanded I promise not to leave anything outside my door again; it felt so officious. It was supposed to be delivered back today, so far no sign of our buggy!

I really hope Maple feels a lot better tomorrow. She is very grizzly for her and I can hardly put her down. She is not feeding a lot in the day and arches her back and squeals after a few seconds on the breast. Night's are a different story however. I wonder if it is the fact she is half asleep and more relaxed that she feeds better at night?

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