Double Shot Mummy


Playdates and stuff

It'a been a busy couple of days. Keeping busy helps with homesickness. Yesterday Stu went to Qatar for the night. His work is crazy busy over here and travel long ago ceased to be exciting. I often think about the impression we have of each other and how realistic it is. I can be completely run off my tracks all day trying to juggle 5 tasks at once. I will not give myself any break at all to get things done so that we can have an evening. It will get to 3pm and I'll remember I've needed to go to the toilet since 8 this morning. But no matter what happens, the moment all is calm with the children and I sit down, Stu will come in. Obviously I have been sitting on my butt all day on Facebook, coffee in hand!

As for Stu's work. I think mental stimulation, adult conversation and travel that means uninterrupted nights of sleep! He is very good at his job, it keeps a roof over our head and in fact allows us a pretty awesome lifestyle. I am definitely happy doing what I do, being the best mum I can be (Most of the time), at home with the kids.

Yesterday we spent a good 2-3 hour chunk of time outside at the park. We met up with some twin friends and Oscar and Bailee loved it. In the afternoon we went for a playdate at their friend Harry's house. Oscar and Bailee love going to play with Harry!

Today we had a playdate with a whole lot of other expats (And their kid's). Oscar played very well with a dolls house he found but we ended up leaving as Maple was very unsettled with her cold and Bailee was having issues over the Lightening McQueen ride on car.... We got home and made a lovely banana cake. I felt like Martha Stewart wanna be today as I also made delicious pumpkin soup! Bailee demolished it but Oscar didn't like....

Today's pic cracks me up. Bailee and Oscar were in the silliest of moods! Hoping Maple feels a lot better tomorrow. She is too cute to be uncomfortable.

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