
By AlrightFlower

What light through yonder window breaks...

Sitting in the chair, next to the radiator, having got in at 9.15 tonight after Italian, and the streetlight outside looked lovely through the partially frosted over window.

Productive day at work: web documents finished and uploaded, linked, indexed and whatnot, the finer points of Sharepoint discussed, agreements drafted, emails sent. All in a day's whatsit.

And a walk out with my friend A at lunchtime. We were supposed to be sitting in a cosy cafe, stuffing our faces, but A fancied a walk, so off we went. Now, I feel I ought to explain here that A is a bit of sprinter when it comes to walking, where I'm more of a dawdler. I think we found a medium today, though to describe it as happy might be a bit optimistic! We must do it again, she said. *Note to self - bring trainers to work...


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