
Another day of not doing very much, but I popped round to Elif's this morning to drop off a Christmas present for Luca.  Elif was at the shop seeing as it's the run up to Christmas, so Luca was at home with his daddy.

I prepared the Sunday roast and then we took the boys out for a walk, before going out ourselves.  We walked along the undercliff walk to Rottingdean where we spotted this guy taking photos with a very old box camera, and he was actually developing the photos in little trays on the ground!  I'd walked past him and then said to Alan that I should have stopped to take a photo, and he said he was surprised I hadn't so encouraged me to go back.  

We then popped in to see Elif in the shop and she made Alan a cup of Turkish coffee along with a couple of other friends that called in.  And then we went over to the Black Horse pub for a drink.  It's so Christmassy in there, it's like a winter wonderland! 

After our drink we walked back along the undercliff, I finished the dinner and now it's time to watch Dancing on Ice.  Happy Sunday!

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