A special moment

Katie has looked up to Bs daughter since she was 5 years old. She’s been to watch her in family concerts, and had lovely time with her when she’s visited. But tonight they duetted together for the first time with a really beautiful Bach invention. It was a special moment!

We’d had quite a busy day. It was the church children’s party this morning, which I run. The children were having such a fabulous time that we continued the party after the service because they’d not finished all the fun things we had organised. One of the highlights was magic snow. It was spectacularly messy but a lot of fun!

After church we had some shopping to attend to so we drive to the out of town shopping centre. And bumped into Granny and Grandad! We had an enjoyable cup of tea with them as a bonus in the busy of the shops. We failed on everything we wanted in several of the shops so katie was getting increasingly fed up of the shopping. We did manage most of the tasks eventually but when we got home, the “near my house shop” that I needed to go to was one activity too many for Katie. For the first time ever she asked to stay at home on her own. I was fifteen minutes, she had her phone and instructions and repeated to me the emergency plans.... but I still tried to be quite speedy.

While I was out, I bumped into Bs husband who said she was wanting to get hold of me to invite me for dinner. We ended up talking on his phone and she said to bring Katies bassoon to do the duet. I was in M&S to find something for tea so the invite saved me battling the queue there!

The invitation was for dinner time not tea time so I sent katie to have a nap to make sure she made it through the evening happily. With the instruction that going out for dinner was dependent on going to sleep properly - and sleep she certainly did!

The evening at Bs was fabulous. There was 7 of us in total, including Pat who particularly enjoys watching katie play so it had all been deliberately coordinated. Pat had bought a bassoon book for Katie, though not as a Christmas gift, so she gave her that today. It’s a book that will last katie from now til forever, some amazing studies she’ll come back to time and again. Dinner was a little less successful as we learnt Katie did not like tagine! But she happily ate rice and vegetables, then loved the fruit salad & ice cream. However the after dinner racing reindeer were certainly a hit.

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