Bramhall Hall

We had no plans today, just a chill out day before our journey home tomorrow, and as I was about to make our breakfast I saw the sky was looking quite pink, so I quickly got dressed and drove to Redesmere Lake which is just up the road. I’m glad I did as I certainly caught the best of the day and soon after it clouded over.

The one thing Alan wanted to do was to go to a gun shop on the outskirts of Stockport, as he’d seen an air pistol online that he fancied and their prices are much cheaper than down South. He took two of his other pistols to see if they’d take them as trade in, however they weren’t interested as they have too many, but he bought the new one with his Christmas money and will advertise his others.

We then took the boys for a walk at Bramhall Park but it was so muddy that we had to bath them when we got home. My blip is of Bramhall Hall which dates back to the 14th century and as it was such a grey day I thought it looked better in mono.

We spent the afternoon packing, and then had an unplanned evening with Rachel, Scott and the girls who drove over to see us and we got an Indian takeaway. It was a lovely impromptu visit and was great to see them again.

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