Family Photoshoot

A few weeks ago, Elif asked me if I'd do a photoshoot for her in the shop with her PR lady, and it was arranged for this morning while the shop was closed.  It was easy for me as Mel, her PR lady had her own ideas of what shots she wanted taking and we were finished in about an hour.

Half way through the shoot Seyran turned up with Luca, so Elif asked if I'd take some family shots for them, and naturally I was more than happy to, as they're such a beautiful family and very easy to work with.  Also, Elif is more than happy for me to use the images on my photography page, whereas I can't use the ones for her PR until a later date which is understandable.  This particular shot is Elif's favourite, and as I had a lot to choose from for my blip, I decided to use this one.

I went home to pick mum and Alan up and we drove to the marina where we had some lunch in the Laughing Dog Cafe - I had the most amazing slice of toast with smashed avocado, feta, chilli and smoked Salmon!  We then had a stroll along the boardwalk, and finally I called into Asda to do a food shop.  When I came out, there was an amazing pink sky, so I asked Alan to drive to Roedean where there's a nice view over the marina, and I managed to catch the sky before it disappeared (see my extra).

Tonight I've cooked the Pintade (Guinea Fowl) that we were supposed to have on Christmas Eve, so it was like having another Christmas dinner -  it was very nice though.

And I've booked onto the photography workshop for the first weekend in February, and Charlotte and Chris are joining me, so were doing the combined workshop of birds and bank voles.  The guy sounds really nice and responds quickly which is good, so it's just a case of keeping our fingers crossed now that the weather is ok for us.

Anyway, it's late now, and I've got to get up early in the morning to take mum to the station, so I'll say goodnight. 

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