
I should have taken a picture when this amaryllis bulb started to show signs of growth. I can say that it has grown rapidly and will need a more substantial support soon.

A better day today. I didn’t have a list, just did one thing at a time and have finished R’s quilt !!!! The binding was completed on Boxing Day, but there was a little (relatively speaking) quilting left to be done on the border. It’s now pressed and residing on the spare bed. I had a deadline of New Year’s Eve, so that the label saying ‘made in 2019’ was accurate!!

It has been a dry clear day. Very few people out and about.

I’ve used my last extra photo. It was taken 80yrs ago today when my parents got married in Banff (Scotland). My father died when I was 28, a very long time ago. The Dambusters film on TV the other night and a quilt label that I’ve recently printed made me think about him and some of the things that he taught me.

I will explain the quilt label another day.

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