Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Success at the pool, but not at the pond

Swimming this morning, as per, and I was really trying with my arms. My legs were just there, kicking futilely. I counted the lengths - haven't bothered for a while - and I got to 20 lengths in just over 22 minutes! That's a real improvement. So I knew I could do 30 lengths in just over half an hour. I had a wee breather on the steps, though the warm water comes out at the other end, and is good for loitering. I set off again. 30 lengths in 32 minutes.

As I was about to clamber out, I saw that I was the only one left in the Slow Lane. I have always claimed that I could easily do more, but it's usually too busy. Well, now I had a chance to prove it. So I did another couple of lengths. Still nobody else in my lane. I had to go again. At last someone else arrived... But I'd done 34 lengths!

I decided to go and look at the duck pond. I always want to get some action shots of the gulls. I brought my new toy, and thought I could use the flash to freeze the action. Well, the only thing that got frozen was me!

The pond was almost all frozen over. The swans and ducks were away at the other end. I chucked out some bread for gulls. They swooped round once, then settled down on the other side of the pond. They didn't come near. Not like them to be shy. I threw more out on to the ice. No gull takers. A couple of pigeons came.

Then I realised why they were staying on their side of the pond. A cat came out of the bushes, went on to the ice, and ate the bread! And even though I told them it had gone, they stayed away. No gulls today. (And that reminds me of Herman's Hermit song - drat).

I went round to the swans and ducks. They hadn't bothered coming to me because it's so awkward for them on the ice. The ducks were hilarious, trying to run on the ice, but the swans found it so awkward, I don't blame them for not moving.

The swans came right to the edge, laboriously, walking on, then cracking the ice and falling in. They just sat and looked at me. I sat on the low railing that goes right round the pond. Not very comfy. Occasionally I threw some bread. The ducks just turned their backs to me when no more bread was forthcoming, but the swans never took their eyes off me. We all stayed like that for about half an hour. I was waiting for the swans to do that cute heart shaped thing with their necks. They didn't.

I could hardly move when I tried to get up. I was frozen stiff, but hadn't noticed while watching the birds. This would not have happened BB. (before blip).

Just in the rushes beside me I noticed a wee flutter. And there he was. A robin. So he's my blip today because I haven't had a robin before. He merged in with the reeds, so I did a bit of selective colouring.

I am just beginning to thaw out and warm up, but the sign (that I eventually noticed) at the bus stop helped - 'This Bus Stop is not in use'. So I had to walk up the hill, carrying my ever heavier camera bag. But my feet were warmed up by the time I got home.

I shall go and read my flashgun book. Riveting stuff!

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