(Nearly) Seven (or eight) years.

2,555 days of Blip, not quite seven years (once you take leap years into account) and, actually, just under eight years since I started daily blogging over on Tumblr

I got into this as a project - I do love a project - through an old friend and I've simply never stopped. I enjoy finding something to photograph every day, even on those days when I end up just phoning it in, and with my flaky memory it's a constant gift to myself to be able to dip back and remind myself of all the places I've been and adventures I've had.

Over the course of the last eight years - we're including the Tumblr years here, guys - I've met the Minx, made many new friends, and been happily reacquainted with old ones, as well as keeping in touch with ones I've known for years. I really couldn't ask for much more. 

-10.6 kgs
Reading: Still choosing!

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