Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

New for old

Happy New Year to all in blipland. Thank you especially to those who follow me, and add such kind comments and awards to my journal. I do appreciate them and the blip friendships that have developed. I look forward to another year and more friends. Here's to 20 20 the year of perfect vision!!

We've had this Chinese table since the mid - 70's it came from one of Philips Thursday lunchtime household sales. It cost us the princely sum of £5.
I decided today that it could really do with having its top polished for the first time in very, many, years and it came up beautifully. Carried away by my success I hunted in the garage for the black gloss and repainted the base. It's come up far better than I could have imagined and I'm very pleased with it. Wonder how many years it will be until I polish it again.
We've had a fairly quiet day with only a brief visit from Ali and Stuart to raise us briefly from our torpor. We had decided that today was a roast beef day which had the added benefit of clearing a space in the freezer. Not blowing my own trumpet but I think I achieved my best ever yorkshire pud. Sadly, as always, I fiddled with the recipe so I've no idea what made this one better!
Still coughing a bit but hopefully on the mend now. Hope to meet up with some blippers in Pebbles tomorrow.

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