
By DrSandy


Mom turned 88.

We didn't do anything SPECIAL, beyond, eating left over turkey.

And Mom, did something very typical - she counted her money.  A scene, I have seen a thousand times, I got her to pose, for .....

"The king queen was in her counting house, counting all her money".

Mom was not the only one celebrating.

Bear, reached a milestone, this Christmas season - he turned fifty.  I thought it appropriate to commemorate the occasion with a blip. See extra. Don't think he looks too shabby, for a 50 year old bear. 

Of course, Mom doesn't look too shabby for an 88 year old human.

PS.  Mom got a birthday phone call from Australia, along with a Whatsapp of her niece and nephew.  I popped this in as an extra too.

After lunch, I returned home, to catch up on my annals and get a little exercise, beyond hoofing round the neighbourhood, feeding the fitbit.

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