Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Sprinkler Head

These are just four of the sprinkler heads that will be placed around the perimeter of the house over the next few days.  They’re mounted on galvanised iron poles that will be attached to metal star pickets and a hose will be attached to the bottom of the pole.  They will cover a 15m radius which will include the house and the bush.  The Fire Captain told me its really important to include the bush near the house so that it is damp and will help protect the house.  Towards the end of the week I have a friend calling out to measure up and order the material for the sprinklers on the roof.  If you missed my blip from yesterday it will explain more about what I’m up to at the moment.  I have a huge week ahead of me but I feel very strongly that I must implement the suggestions that were made by a very clever Fire Captain who has been fighting fires in the Blue Mountains for many years.

On a lighter note, I have to say it was quite nice to get a bit of a drenching yesterday when we were testing one of the sprinklers.  After all it was 39 degrees, but that’s nothing compared to the 48.9 degrees down the hill in Penrith!!

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