
By Annieone

Me & Mel...!!

My daughter took these photos last night as she was heading back to Galway today...
As you can see Mel likes to sit here bottom on my two feet to give herself a grip as the new floor is very slippy for her..
I wasn’t feeling too bad at all last night ..really recovering...
But then just when you think ......! I woke in the mile of the night feeling very peculiar and by morning I was suffused with burning heat, mainly upper body and right to the roots of my hair...I looked like I’d been in Majorca for 4 weeks without any sun wasn’t pleasant....
After a phone call to VHI Helpline , a visit to a pharmacist and then Out of Hours Doc AGAIN...they confirmed allergy to the stop all the drugs...thankfully they’d done something to help the throat...
I’ve to take antihistamine and hope it clears in a day or two..
I’m sick of being sick at this stage..

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