A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Yoga for cats

This is Squeak. Thats her nickname, she's really called Cassie/Cassandra. Nobody calls her that I don't think.

Squeak - because she doesn't meow ...she squeaks - its really cute! She's is quite big - not fat, just big, but she's trying to keep in trim by doing her exercises.

She appeared on my Dad's doorstep when she was a kitten, had a nasty cut on her chin as well. She's been a member of the family for 3 and a half years, and along with Dad and Ann's other cat, Harvey (who is a beast), they are very welcome additions to our family!

Comic relief day at school and the 2nd day of our radio station being live. All done till next year, but the kids did us proud, as usual. 300 photos today, just uploading 80 of the best for poster collage printing. Non uniform / wear something funny to work for Comic relief. About 10 staff came in school uniform, as the kids wear it - shirts untucked, ties down, bright orange makeup, with tide mark and smudges on collars, headphones in, chewing. And do you know, not one of the kids saw the irony of it. Which made the staff camp it up even more.

Non uniform days strike terror into the hearts of some teachers - lack of uniform often equates to lack of self control, and a throwing away of the rules and expectations you normally have in school. What was so nice today was that the atmosphere in school was so unbelievably chilled, the kids didn't take advantage, they still expected to work in lessons, and their behaviour around the corridors was good, as it normally is.

It was a really lovely day at work.

And thanks to Dad for entertain hyperactive James and his very lazy mother who was, quite frankly, knackered, after driving down to pick James up from school.

Thank you everyone for your supportive comments yesterday - I know you all probably get a bit sick of me using my journal to have a whinge or to be depressed on ...but your comments do help me to rationalise and get a bit of a reality check, or to reassure me that I am not a monster dressed up as a mother!

I will catch up and comment over the weekend.

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