A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


Is it OK to be angry with your own child?

How do you rationalise and manage it when you are angry with your child?

How do you try to get an already confused and frightened little boy to understand that you are so angry with him, because he is being selfish, when you know WHY he is being selfish and he isn't doing it deliberately, its just that he doesn't understand the significance of important things like funerals, and the arrangements needed to go to one 350 miles away.

How do you make him know that yes, you are angry with him, but you still love him with every fibre of your being, but know also in your head, that right now, it doesn't matter how much you love them, and how you show them that, right now, all they know is how THEY feel and what they want.

I just want to make everything alright, and I can't seem to do that, no matter what I do or say.

I don't want my beautiful son to be wounded by what's happening now, nor to feel that I love him any less, just because I am angry, frustrated and upset too.

James - I love you. No matter what. And always.

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