Grrr. Apple

Discussion Group was annoying as some of the old men (well my age) get nostalgic for the past AND don’t stick to the topic AND get anecdotal AND interrupt. I was bored - unfortunately some seem to get stuck in a grove at they get older.

I must heed this as yet again I’m stuck in my grove about moaning about Apple! I phoned the number for the Newcastle shop to find out if they had replacement screens for my phone. I could hardly understand the American accent that answered and it turned out he wasn’t speaking from the shop (probably not even from this country) nor could he transfer me to the shop nor did he know if they had any in stock. He was no help at all.

So we decided to take a 60 mile round trip to the shop as we needed visa photos and Euros anyway. The girl in the shop told me new screens were £350. But - I wouldn’t need one as it was only the screen protector that was broken. Phew! Wasn’t that great? So I got one online and it arrived tomorrow.

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