Off to Mordor (Day 1705)

I walked the woofers up the hill this morning under a sky reminiscent of something from the Lord of the Rings. It was fairly dramatic and I cursed myself for having left my camera at home. A snap with my phone was the best I could manage.
I had an immersion to change in a hot water cylinder in town, so there was a bit of standing around whilst I waited for it to drain out.
I collected some bits and headed home to have lunch with my beautiful wife, the a woofer wander at Lyde.
I collected a storage unit and dropped it off at the yard before a job in Stromness, a visit to Mum and Dad, and a job on the way home.
At home I wrestled couple of sheets of plasterboard into submission and got them on the ceiling in the room I have been taking apart. Nice to make a bit of progress.

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