By lizzie_birkett

Kitchen Duty (updated)

We had to go shopping this morning as the cupboards were bare (a bit of an exaggeration!) One of the photos shows Bella May watching us leave. She's quite happy because she knows there's a treat in the kitchen (Ryvita with peanut butter!) She never eats her treat until we've left - her own rule. She prefers to stay behind if we are going anywhere and just snoozes - her favourite pastime!

We went to Aldi for a change and were pleasantly surprised by some of their vegan stuff. (I heard an elderly man say to his wife 'There's a lot o' that 'veejun' stuff in't the'. :-D

I needed some muesli but I'm very particular! I drive Frank mad reading all the labels. Most have lots of sweetened dried fruits, or dried milk or palm oil. I couldn't find a suitable one so I bought the ingredients to make my own. I always used to make it but since we moved and spent so much time renovating and then were away on the boat, I got out of my routine.

Anyway, after grinding mixed nuts, roasting sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and the oats I mixed it all together with unsweetened dried fruit - raisins, sultanas, cranberries and chopped dates, dessicated coconut and some milled linseed mix. It is absolutely yummy. I can add fresh fruit to it in the morning and I always use coconut milk on my breakfast.

Today it was also my turn to cook.....so salad it was! (again:-D)

I'm looking forward to breakfast tomorrow!

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