The plant that just keeps on giving!

Not to late to bed, lay there, felt that ominous tickle at the back of my throat, so got up and had a couple of squirts of First Defence, but don't think its saved me this time! I woke up with a sore throat and first signs of a cold :-/. Don't feel too bad in myself, so annoying though as we are out for a meal with friends tonight and are staying over! Shouldnt complain really havent had anything for ages!

Walked into town to get some freshair, very windy, I felt chilly...but think that was just me!

We had brunch today which will tide us over until our meal this evening.

Very dark and dismal, only brightness is my forever flowering orchid on the island in the kitchen. It seems to have been flowering for the last 4/5 months, with more to come!

The forecast rain still hasnt arrived here, its now will probably arrive when we are ready to leave lol!!

Best go and pack a bag before getting ready I guess!!

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